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Saturday, April 20, 2013
End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco 892W Integrated Services Router [Cisco 800 Series Routers]
Django Unchained (Blu-ray)

9 CT Shoreline Fire Departments to host a Major Food Drive for the Shoreline Soup Kitchen & Pantries
The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the following fire stations: Old Saybrook Fire Department, Clinton FD, Essex FD, Killingworth FD, Niantic FD (Grand Street and West Main Street), Old Lyme FD (Lyme Street Station), East Lyme FD & Westbrook FD.
“The need remains great to help the Shoreline Soup Kitchen replenish pantries and provide food to those who rely on its services to help make ends meet,” said Max Sabrin, Food Drive Coordinator and Old Saybrook Fire Department spokesperson. In the past, the shoreline community has always been extra generous, and we hope residents and businesses will turn out to help those in need,” he said.
Sabrin thanked the owners and management of the ShopRite supermarket in Clinton for kicking off the OSFD food drive by donating a 'starter package' of six bags stuffed with non-perishable food items for the Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries.
The need has never need been greater across its 11-town coverage area including Essex, Chester, Clinton, Madison, Old Saybrook, East Lyme, Lyme, Old Lyme, Killingworth, Westbrook and Deep River. With the holiday season over, food donations are typically lower, and with most people attending the pantries weekly, food donations are more critical.
Among the critical non-perishable foods needed: soups, tuna, meals-in-a-can, juice, canned fruit, white rice/pasta, breakfast cereals, peanut butter and Spam.
Those donating non-perishable food are reminded that firefighters cannot collect cash or non-food items during the Saturday, April 27 event.
For more information, including fire station locations or to volunteer please visit
# # #Old Saybrook Fire DeptMax Sabrin
Interests : Maternal Happiness Gift Pack
Parents are hard to buy for. Honestly, it's mostly because it's hard to give something equivalent to the person who gave you LIFE. Sure you can get Mom flowers, but they die. You can get her a "World's Best Mom" frame from Hallmark or someplace, but shouldn't the fact that they're mass-producing those say something about the disingenuous nature of such a gift? Her genetic makeup produced a geek; we bet she's something of a geek herself. We've put together some of our favorite products that will guarantee Maternal Happiness. And you know what they say: If Mama is happy, EVERYONE is happy!
End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco ONS 15305 Multiservice Customer Access Platform [Cisco ONS 15300 Series]
American Gangster (2 Disc-Unrated Extended Edition)
3.5 stars out of 4 -- "[I]t has bite and timely relevance....Washington and Crowe clash like titans -- they're something to see." 11/01/2007 p.91 Total Film
4 stars out of 5 -- "[With] bravura photography, assured performances and flawless period detail....A top-of-the-range example of genre filmmaking..." 11/01/2007 p.56 Entertainment Weekly
"AMERICAN GANGSTER is meticulous and detailed, a drug-world epic that holds you from moment to moment, immersing you in the intimate and sleazy logistics of crime." -- Grade: B 11/09/2007 p.76-77 Empire
3 stars out of 5 -- "[U]ndeniably enjoyable....Served up with enough verve to engage." 12/01/2007 p.56 Uncut
4 stars out of 5 -- "Crowe and Washington are extremely charismatic here; particularly Washington, whose man-of-the-people charm disguises a ruthless, shark-like drive..." 12/01/2007 p.134 Sight and Sound
"AMERICAN GANGSTER moves along at quite a clip....[Scott] does bring panache to the film's tense climax..." 01/01/2008 p.56 Los Angeles Times
"[A] finely made and richly satisfying film....[Washington] is always at his best, as he was in the Oscar-winning TRAINING DAY..." 11/02/2007 Rolling Stone
Ranked #6 in Rolling Stone's "10 Best Movies Of 2007" -- "Ridley Scott digs into this juicy tale with epic style and wit." 12/27/2007 p.120 Ultimate DVD
5 stars out of 5 -- "Scott brings his stylish shot composition and impeccable eye for detail to the streets of Seventies Harlem, melding his striking visuals with an enthralling story..." 04/01/2008 p.78 ReelViews 8 of 10
American Gangster is compelling in the same way that many mob-related motion pictures are compelling, but it fails to achieve the greatness that the best of them attain. The problem with American Gangster may be that it tries to hard to provide balance between the protagonist and the antagonist but never really achieves it. While the story is rarely dull and there's plenty of material to fill up the more than 2 1/2 hour running time, there's an overall absence of dramatic tension. Ridley Scott rarely creates an uninteresting motion picture, and this is no exception, but American Gangster will not go down as one of the respected director's best efforts...While the decision to focus on a black gangster isn't original, the way in which Frank is developed is unique, and that's the primary reason why the film works. Characters whose personalities mix so many contradictory and volatile elements are always the most interesting - that's what has made Michael Corleone one of the all-time best screen gangsters, and there's more than a little of this in Frank. Like in Training Day and Malcolm X, where he portrayed less than perfect individuals, Washington rules the screen. His portrayal is one of many things that elevates this film to the level of being consistently entertaining and occasionally compelling. - James Berardinelli Variety 8 of 10
"American Gangster" wants to be a great epic crime saga so badly you can feel it. The true story at its core -- of the rise, fall and redemption of a '70s-era Harlem drug lord -- is so terrific, it's amazing it wasn't put onscreen long ago, and it would be difficult today to find two better actors to pit against one another, as hoodlum and cop, respectively, than Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. With so many elements going for it, this big, fat Universal release is absorbing, exciting at times and undeniably entertaining, and is poised to be a major commercial hit. But great it's not...Memories of numerous classics hang over this film like banners commemorating past championship teams -- "The Godfather," "Serpico," "Prince of the City," "Scarface" and "Goodfellas," among other modern-era crime-pic landmarks. Like most of those, this is a quintessential New York story, one you feel could have been the basis for a Sidney Lumet masterpiece. But while "American Gangster" is made with consummate professionalism on every level, it just doesn't quite feel like the real deal; it delivers, but doesn't soar...Based on a New York magazine article by Mark Jacobson, the story arc is so sensational it warrants outsized treatment...Still, Washington's steely grip on his impersonation of Frank Lucas holds the film together. - Todd McCarthy
T-Shirts & Apparel : Don't Panic & Carry a Towel
This shirt is a reproduction of a poster produced by the Earth Ministry of Information. It was the third in a series, intended to be released only in the event of Vogon invasion. Unfortunately, since the Vogons demolished the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass, it never really got a chance to be displayed. Well, actually, there were about two minutes between the Vogon ships arriving and the demolition beams in which several public servants ran around trying to remember where they put the poster, which was unfortunate because 1) they spent their last few minutes worrying about their job security, which was really a moot point since they, their bosses, and every TPS report they'd ever written boiled away into space moments later and 2) the poster wasn't actually on Earth any more. But at least they felt needed. The poster, on the other hand, mostly did not feel needed. It was discovered years later by a used book seller on Alpha Centauri in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard."
This shirt has the words "DON'T PANIC and CARRY A TOWEL" inscribed in large friendly letters beneath a crown in white on a red 100% cotton t-shirt.
RPT-Bankrupt California city to resume paying pension fund, but not bondholders
By Tim Reid
LOS ANGELES, April 11 (Reuters) - Bankrupt San Bernardino will resume paying into the state pension fund on July 1, but the California city will continue to renege on other debts including payments to bondholders, according to a new budget released late Thursday.
Nearly a year after it halted contributions to America's biggest pension fund, San Bernardino will resume payments to Calpers at the start of the new fiscal year - but continue to not pay other creditors, according to the budget.
San Bernardino will not make interest and principal payments on $50 million in pension bonds issued in 2005, according to the new budget. The city council on Monday will review the budget, a blueprint for how the city proposes to manage its finances since declaring bankruptcy last August.
San Bernardino's decision to resume its $1.2 million, bimonthly employer contributions to Calpers while continuing to defer pension bond debt will intensify the battle between the pension fund and Wall Street bondholders.
The case has been bogged down in disputes about the scope of documents the city must provide to its creditors. Unlike Stockton, where a judge approved the city for bankruptcy last week, a decision on San Bernardino's eligibility for Chapter 9 protection still appears some way off.
Both San Bernardino and Stockton are considered test cases in the titanic battle over whether municipal bondholders or current and retired employees will absorb most of the pain when a state or local government goes broke.
Calpers, which manages $256 billion in assets, is San Bernardino's biggest creditor, with the holders of its $50 million in pension bonds its second-biggest creditor.
Calpers is opposing San Bernardino's quest for bankruptcy, the only city to have ever halted payments to the fund. Stockton kept current on its payments to Calpers and the pension fund did not oppose that city's bid for Chapter 9 protection.
There is no mention in the budget of how the city intends to repay its arrears to Calpers, and other creditors.
In a letter attached to the new financial documents, officials say roughly $35 million has been "deferred" by the city - that is, not paid to creditors.
After the city said in court on Tuesday that it hoped to restart payments to Calpers, the pension fund told Reuters that such a move would be a "smart business decision."
The budget message was sober in the sacrifices it says the city will continue to have to make in order to bring its fiscal house in order.
While the new budget predicts slightly more revenues than expenditures for the city's general fund by the end of this fiscal year - by about $2.3 million - it states that at the end of June this year, despite salary reductions, staff cutbacks and other drastic cost-cutting measures, the general fund will still be nearly $7 million in the red.
"The City's overall cash balance and liquidity is the City's biggest challenge," the budget document states. It calls the city's cash-on-hand position "extremely serious."
Atlas Shrugged Part 2

T-Shirts & Apparel : Rocket Surgeon
Please pick an item so we can magically put it in your cart.
Please select... Indigo, S $13.49 Indigo, M $13.49 Indigo, L $13.49 Indigo, XL $13.49 Indigo, XXL $14.24 Indigo, XXXL $14.99UPDATE 3-United States puts Japan on notice in currency report
* Washington watches to ensure Tokyo not targeting yen level
* China again escapes "currency manipulator" label
* U.S. says Chinese yuan "significantly undervalued"
By Anna Yukhananov
WASHINGTON, April 12 (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday put Japan on notice that it was watching its economic policies to ensure they were not aimed at devaluing the yen to gain a competitive advantage.
In a semi-annual report on currency practices of major trade partners, the United States also said China's currency remained "significantly undervalued," but again stopped short of labeling the world's second-biggest economy a currency manipulator.
It has been more than 18 years since the U.S. Treasury has designated any country a manipulator. China was labeled a manipulator between 1992 and 1994.
The U.S. Treasury said it would press Japan to adhere to the commitment it made in February as a member of the Group of Seven and Group of 20 nations to let the market determine exchange rates. The U.S. move followed comments by Japanese officials that suggested they were targeting a weaker yen.
Treasury's report highlighted statements made by Japanese officials last year who said they wanted to "correct the excessively strong yen," and also some proposals to ease monetary policy by purchasing foreign bonds.
But since then, Japan has mostly avoided commenting on the yen and has not intervened in currency markets, according to the congressionally-mandated report.
"We will continue to press Japan to adhere to the commitments agreed to in the G7 and G20 ... and to refrain from competitive devaluation and targeting its exchange rate for competitive purposes," the report said.
The Treasury also said it was closely monitoring policies in Japan meant to support the growth of domestic demand. The Bank of Japan launched a massive bond-buying program earlier this month to try to shock the economy out of two decades of stagnation.
The policy has sharply undercut the value of the yen - ending the dollar to another four-year high against the Japanese currency on Thursday - and refueled a debate about competitive devaluations.
The U.S. Treasury also said China did not meet the legal requirements to be deemed a currency manipulator, although Beijing controls the pace at which the yuan can rise by intervening in foreign exchange markets.
The label is largely symbolic, but would require Washington to open discussions with Beijing on adjusting the yuan's value. Many U.S. lawmakers have accused China of deliberately keeping the yuan undervalued to gain a trade advantage.
As in other reports over the last several years, the analysis on China reflected both the administration's desire to maintain good relations with its top creditor and an attempt to keep up pressure for changes in China that could benefit the U.S. economy and mollify domestic critics.
Efforts to take a stronger stance on China's currency moves have also faded due to an increase in the value of the yuan, a big drop in China's global trade surplus and a rise in labor costs that has made Chinese products less competitive.
The report said China had allowed the yuan to rise 16.2 percent against the dollar in inflation-adjusted terms since June 2010, when China moved off its exchange rate peg.
The yuan, also known as the renminbi, hit a record high against the dollar on Friday as China's central bank fixed its official midpoint for the currency at the strongest level yet ahead of a Beijing visit by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
"Nonetheless, the available evidence suggests the renminbi remains significantly undervalued, intervention appears to have resumed, and further appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar is warranted," Treasury said in a statement.
The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, Sander Levin of Michigan, said "action is long overdue" on what he called serious problem.
"Currency manipulation needs to be addressed in ongoing trade negotiations, especially the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks," he said in a statement, referring to an 11-nation Asia-Pacific free trade agreement that Japan is moving toward joining.
The United States also said it remains concerned that China's progress may not last. For example, China's trade surplus has narrowed not only due to a higher yuan, but also because of weak demand for Chinese exports in advanced economies, suggesting the trend may reverse once the global economy recovers more.
The U.S. Business and Industry Council condemned the currency report, and called on the Obama administration to use tariffs to punish China for manipulating the yuan.
"The Treasury Department's latest refusal to label China a currency manipulator once again demonstrates President Obama's deep-seated-indifference to a major, ongoing threat to American manufacturing's competitiveness, and to the U.S. economy's return to genuine health," the Council said in a statement.
As in the previous report, Treasury also kept the pressure on South Korea, urging it to limit foreign exchange intervention except in exceptional circumstances.
South Korea says it intervenes to smooth the volatility of its won currency. But Treasury said it had gone into the market throughout 2012.
Home & Office : Tkaro Glass Water Bottle
Everybody's drinking more bottled water. It's good for you. Some experts say we should be drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day. They go on to say that most Americans are chronically dehydrated, that we drink too much coffee and sodas, which have a diuretic effect on the body. You know what? Those experts are complete morons.
The truth is, we should drink water, but there's no hard and fast minimum. We get more liquid than we think from the foods we eat. Coffee and sodas don't hydrate as well as pure H2O, but there's not a net loss from drinking them. And, honestly, even taking those into account, 8 to 10 may still be excessive. The bottom line is, if you're thirsty, drink some water! If you're not, don't! Just listen to your body's needs.
And don't drink out of those stupid plastic water bottles. For one thing, they contribute to landfill. Even if you don't throw your bottles away, they still may contain BPA or other chemicals that may be linked to endocrine issues, development issues, and even obesity. Plus, those bottles are so cheap looking. You're a geek with style, and as such, your needs are more sophisticated.
This cool glass was designed by a couple of artistic sisters who thought that water should come out of a glass, and not a bottle. To keep your glass safe and shatter resistant, they've made it with this incredibly cool stainless steel sleeve that covers the glass, and keeps it from spilling in transit. Besides that, glass and stainless steel just look cool together.
And nestled in the underside of the steel collar is a rubber grommet that keeps the liquid inside the glass in place, so it won't spill even if you throw it in your gym bag. Naturally, you won't want your glass to spill out everywhere, right? Take it with you, that's what it's designed for!
Features Glass, steel and silicone construction water glassUnscrew the stainless steel cowling to reveal the gracefully tapered glass insideBPA Free, dishwasher safe6.5 inches tall, 3 inches in diameter500 mL liquid volumeDesigned by Kai Fej?r and Taylor RusselWinner of the prestigious red dot design award, 2010
T-Shirts & Apparel : Zombie Protest
Congratulations! We're glad you're ready to fight for zombie rights. This article outlines some of the steps involved and the associated pitfalls to avoid when planning a successful zombie gathering.
Leadership. As you know, it is vital that some of the living remain in positions of leadership in the organization to provide the necessary motivation and thought-process behind running a large organization. Although, for consistency, you probably want your highest official to be a zombie in order to have him speak incoherently at corporate meetings and drool convincingly in discussions with politicians. However, leadership at the event should be an intelligent human, sympathetic to zombie rights. As the event coordinator, this human can provide guidance via a megaphone and also serves as a rallying point around which zombies will gather. Occasionally this "gathering" leads to "dismemberment" so you want to ensure that your event coordinator is expendable. This position fits nicely for zombie-rights activists hoping to transition to the less-demanding, zombie lifestyle.
Attendance. You might have a whole legion of supporters, but it's important to mobilize your zombie protesters so that they show up on the day of the event. Plan ahead so that folks can put it on their calendars. You can notify the mindless via your MySpace or Facebook account. Pass out leaflets to ensure the interested are notified. We've found that promising that there will be beer and brains brings the college-aged zombies out en masse in particular.
Location. We recommend a popular location with high-visibility for maximum exposure to the uninitiated. Although some organizations prefer the march, we find it easier to choose a specific place to protest. Shambling does not lend itself to marching, and zombies tend to get distracted more easily while in motion. Check with your local city hall to find out if you need a permit to gather at the location you've chosen. Remember that some of your supporters undoubtedly have physical impairments, so ensure your site is fully accessible.
Coverage. It's important to get your event covered by the media so that your reach is greater than those present at the event. After all, they all may have been eaten, even the well-intentioned, amenable-to-Zombie-rights ones (sometimes they're the tastiest). Documentary film makers, such as George A. Romero, are an indispensable resource in getting the word out. Make use of them as whenever possible.
"Zombies Were People Too" on a sandwich-board-clad zombie in black, blood red, and rotting-flesh green on a military green, 100% cotton t-shirt.
T-Shirts & Apparel : World of Warcraft Panda Zip-up Hoodie
MMOs and Pandas are a match made in heaven. Pandas and martial arts are a match made in heaven. To be honest, we'd be willing to wager that most things go well with pandas. Think about it! A panda eating ice cream? On a ferris wheel? Pandas - or Pandaren, if you prefer - are just great.
With this hoodie, you'll be able to add panda to any situation: taking a walk in the park, visiting the zoo, or - let's be honest - staying home and playing computer games. This black and white zip hoodie is panda-colored and features the Pandaria monk paw insignia on the back shoulders.
Product Specifications
World of Warcraft Panda Zip-up hoodieFrom the Mists of Pandaria World of Warcraft expansionPerfect for WoW players and panda fansOfficially licensed Blizzard apparelMaterials: 60/40 Cotton/PolySee chart below for sizingBurt's Bees: Head to Toe Starter Kit
Germany's JAB to buy Douwe Egberts firm in $9.8 billion deal
Packets of Douwe Egberts coffee are seen at a supermarket in Amsterdam April 12, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Toussaint Kluiters/United PhotosBy Sara Webb and Martinne GellerAMSTERDAM | Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:35pm EDT
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - German investor Joh A Benckiser (JAB) is to buy the owner of Douwe Egberts coffee in a 7.5 billion euro ($9.8 billion) deal to create a global hot drinks empire aimed at taking on market leaders Nestle (NESN.VX) and Mondelez International (MDLZ.O).
D.E Master Blenders 1753 (DEMB.AS), the Dutch owner of Douwe Egberts coffee and Pickwick tea, said on Friday it had reached conditional agreement on a 12.50 euros per share cash takeover offer from a group of investors led by JAB.
JAB, the investment vehicle of the billionaire Reimann family, has been building a hot drinks business in a bid to tap strong growth driven by new products, such as single-serve coffee brewers, and demand from emerging markets.
It owns Caribou Coffee Co Inc JABECC.UL and Peet's Coffee & Tea Inc PEETC.UL in the United States, and has had its eye for some time on D.E Master Blenders, which has a strong position in Europe.
The offer is below an original proposal from JAB of 12.75 euros per share. But it still represents a 36 percent premium to the stock's average closing price in the three months before the proposal was disclosed.
Analysts said the price compared favorably with recent similar deals and saw little chance of a rival bid, not least because JAB already owns around 15 percent of D.E Master Blenders, meaning it will actually pay about 6.4 billion euros.
Chief Executive Jan Bennink, who will step down after the takeover, said D.E Master Blenders had not had contact with other potential buyers.
"We consider the probability of a higher offer to be slim," KBC Securities analysts Pascale Weber and Jan-Willem Billiet said in a note, recommending investors accept the offer.
They said the price represented a ratio of enterprise value (debt plus equity) to expected 2014 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of 15.7 times.
In comparison, analysts pointed to a deal by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N) and 3G Capital to buy H.J. Heinz Co (HNZ.N) at a 2013 EV/EBITDA of 14.6 times.
D.E Master Blenders' stock closed down 0.98 percent at 12.11 euros.
JAB's Bart Becht, a former chief executive of Reckitt Benckiser (RB.L) who will become chairman of the Dutch company, said D.E Master Blenders would provide a platform for organic growth and for acquisitions in the coffee and tea sectors.
He said JAB plans to keep the Dutch company separate from its U.S. coffee shop business, since there are few synergies between the retail side and packaged goods side. The brands are unknown in each other's markets and the businesses are run quite differently, Becht said.
JAB is still open to more deals both on the retail side, which is home to U.S. chain operators such as Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O) and Dunkin Brands (DNKN.O), and the packaged coffee side, which includes players such as J.M. Smucker Co (SJM.N) in the United States and Lavazza in Italy.
Given the credentials of JAB's principals and their connections to deal-making consumer products giants such as Reckitt Benckiser, Anheuser Busch InBev (ABI.BR) and Mars, observers expect JAB to move to build its coffee business into a much bigger player.
"We have done this before," Bart Becht said in an interview.
Following the acquisition, D.E Master Blenders board would include Becht, and other JAB principals Peter Harf, a former chairman of AB InBev, Olivier Goudet, head of its audit committee and Alexandre Van Damme, who is also connected to AB InBev. Also involved is Alejandro Santo Domingo, a board member of SABMiller (SAB.L).
"They see a lot of similarities between the coffee and beer industries, for example in terms of production, marketing and branding," said a person familiar with the deal. "They want to consolidate and build the brands."
But Becht said: "These people made a lot of money in beer and they are looking to diversify their portfolios. That's the principle reason why we've been talking to them."
Because JAB is controlled by the German Reimann family, Becht said the firm enjoyed working with other family-owned investors, including the beer-derived holdings involved in this deal.
"It's much easier to agree on the long-term nature of our investments. We are looking at this as a 15-20 year investment," he said.
The Reimann fortune comes from the Benckiser chemicals company, founded in 1823. The family also controls perfumes and cosmetics group Coty COTY.UL, and owns Labelux Group, manager of luxury brands Bally, Belstaff and Jimmy Choo.
Douwe Egberts coffee is one of the best-known brands in the Netherlands and its parent company, D.E Master Blenders, ranks third in terms of coffee sales after market leader Nestle and Mondelez International, according to Euromonitor International.
But the Dutch firm, which also owns Senseo coffee, has had a rocky time since it was spun off last year from Sara Lee Corp, which has since changed its name to Hillshire Brands (HSH.N).
Within weeks of its listing, it shocked investors with the news its Brazilian unit had been hit by fraud, tax and inventory problems, forcing it to restate past financial statements.
Previous CEO Michael Herkemij quit in December, just six months after the stock market debut, and in February the firm reported lower-than-expected profits and cut its outlook for 2013 citing pricing pressures in austerity-hit Europe.
JAB said it would finance the deal through a combination of roughly 3 billion euros of debt and about 4.9 billion euros in equity, and said it had committed financing from arrangers Bank of America, Citibank, Rabobank and Morgan Stanley.
It does not plan to sell any of its 10 percent stake in Reckitt Beckiser to finance the coffee deal, a spokesman said.
The deal is conditional on issues including regulatory approval.
Leonardo & Co., BDT & Company, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Rabobank/Rothschild are financial advisers to JAB. Lazard is lead financial adviser to D.E Master Blenders, with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan also acting as financial advisers.
($1 = 0.7618 euros)
(Reporting by Martinne Geller in New York; Editing by Bernard Orr)
Brother P-Touch TZ Laminated Tape - 1" Width x 26.20 ft Length - 1 Roll - Direct Thermal - White
Laminated tape cartridges feature heavy-duty, adhesive-backed polyethylene tapes that stand up to extreme temperatures (-50 degrees C to 200 degrees C), moisture, chemicals, and abrasion. For use with PT-520, 530, 540, 550, 580C, 1400, 1500PC, 1600, 1650, 2200, 2210, 2300, 2310, 2400, 2410, 2500PC, 2600, 2610, 3600, 9200DX/PC, 9400, 9500PC and 9600.
ThinkGeek Movie Night: Star Trek!

Twitter | Blog RSS Apr152013 ByLily ThinkGeek Movie Night: Star Trek!

Friday, May 17, is the release of Star Trek: Into Darkness. We're kind of really excited. So excited that we want to host a movie night and invite 30 local-to-us geeks to our HQ to watch the 2009 Star Trek movie together!
Please join us on Thursday, April 25 in watching Star Trek and preparing ourselves for the premiere of Star Trek: Into Darkness. We know what you must be thinking, "This sounds too good to be true! How many goats do I have to sacrifice to attend?" Answer: NONE! You only need to be willing to have a good time, consume pizza, and take home the freebies we may or may not be handing out. CAN YOU DO THAT?!
If yes, then please sign up via the form below by 5pm ET Wednesday, April 17 to let us know you would like to attend. RandomBot will then select 30 crew members to climb aboard the ThinkGeek ship. Good luck!
Mission Details:Movie night will be held at ThinkGeek HQ in Fairfax, VA.The sign up form will close on Wednesday, April 17 at 5pm, where we will then randomly choose 30 attendees and notify them via email that evening. Please be sure to bring your email confirmation on the day of the event! If you find out later that you cannot make it, please notify us ASAP, so we can select a replacement.There can only be 30 people. If you would like to bring a fellow human being or other life form, then you must indicate that on the form.Geeklings are welcome! We'd prefer it if they were 10 or up, though. Geeklings also count as your +1.Doors open at 6:30pm. You can check-in, get yer raffle ticket, mingle with your fellow geeks, and get a tour of ThinkGeek HQ as well. The movie will begin at 7:00 with pizza and fizzy bevvies to accompany it. We'll hold the raffle around 9:00, and the festivities will end around 9:30.If there's anything we haven't covered, or if you have any questions, please let us know in the comments!
See (some of) you on the 25th!
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New Star Trek trailer! More plot, more lens flare, more cringing for the Enterprise: Seriously, stop that.Random Customer Action Shot:

ThinkGeek is a

Home & Office : Klipy Cake Divider
One of the things we dislike about cake-cutting is trying to do so equitably. In a perfect world, each person would get the exact same amount of cake. (Except for that person who only wants "a sliver" and ruins the slicing formula.) Even the geometry whiz in the office can't perfectly slice a birthday cake, so we know this is a huge societal problem that requires a solution.
Having cured all disease and achieved world peace, the scientists of the world present the Klipy Cake Divider! Pop the Klipy into the center of your cake or pie. Make the all-important first cut, then line up the guides based on how many total pieces you need: 6, 8, 10, or 12. Now all you need to do is cut where the guide tells you and you'll get perfectly even pieces. That person who wanted a sliver? They can just share with that person who always throws away half of their piece. (You know who you are.)
Product Specifications Divide any round cake into perfectly equal slicesNo more fights over who got the big piece!To use: Place in center of cake.Make your first cut.Line up the guides based on how many slices you wantUse guide to cut even slices!Happily nom cake.Divides into 6, 8, 10, or 12 slicesNote: Please allow our warehouse monkey robots to choose a random color for you.Materials: Food-safe plastic, BPA-freeCare: Dishwasher safe, top rack
Nike Golf - 62" Windproof Umbrella (Black/White/Cool Grey)
Italy's Salini eyes foreign growth after Impregilo merger: report
Salini's Chief Executive Pietro Salini poses for photographers before the news conference in downtown Milan April 23, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/ Stefano RellandiniMILAN | Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:35am EDT
MILAN (Reuters) - Italian builder Salini, taking over larger rival Impregilo (IPGI.MI), expects the merged group to double revenues over the next three years helped by expansion in the Americas and Australia, its head said in a newspaper interview.
Family-owned Salini, which has built a stake of 86.5 percent in Italy's biggest builder after a takeover bid ended on Friday, told Il Corriere della Sera on Saturday he may consider listing the future merged group on more stock markets.
"It will depend on which markets will offer us more opportunities of raising capital. An option could be a flotation on more markets, with London among the possible options," Chief Executive Pietro Salini said.
The takeover of Milan-listed Impregilo is part of plans by Salini to create a global construction player focused on large civil engineering projects from roads to hydroelectric dams in more than 60 countries.
Salini, who took board control of Impregilo at a shareholder meeting in July, said he expected to reduce the presence of the future merged group in Italy over the next few years.
Italy currently accounts for 15 percent of cumulated turnover at Impregilo and Salini.
"We are looking at different realities all over the world, with the aim of carrying out local acquisitions to then dominate the relative markets," the CEO said.
Salini said on Friday the offer will be reopened for another five working days from April 18 to allow shareholders who have not subscribed the bid to tender their shares.
(Reporting by Antonella Ciancio; editing by Ron Askew)
T-Shirts & Apparel : Science To Do - Portal Shirt
State and local statutory regulations prohibit us from revealing the entire nature of the experiment you are participating in today, but be informed that it may involve physics, psychology, thermodynamics, pharmacology, and non-Euclidean geometry. And cake. For the party. At the end. When you're done. Sometimes cake is my favorite part of science. When asking your children if they would like to attend the Aperture Science Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, remind them that science = cake.
The Vital Apparatus Vent will deliver a black, 100% cotton "Look at me still talking when there's Science to do" t-shirt in three, two, one....
T-Shirts & Apparel : You Are Here Bell Curve
We find it's a rewarding habit to hang out with smart people like yourself. Face it. You tend to talk more about what you're reading and less about reality television. (Hey -- we have our personal addictions, too, but it's not our main topic of conversation.) This past weekend amongst a dozen friends a particular parasite came up for discussion independently in two different groups of people (there was one person in the crosssection of the Venn Diagram of those present who identified the topical overlap, an event which T-Shirt Girl will now refer to as the "parazeitgeist.") Also, we have arguments about where the period should go in that previous sentence. We love our smart friends.
Hanging out with smart people may make you seem normal by comparison, but think of the rest of the poor fools on this bell chart. The folks who created the interactive voice response maze^H^H^H^Hflow for our cellphone carrier? They're more than two standard deviations below normal. Let them know that. We suggest you wear this shirt any time you go to a place where you find the humans less than helpful. A list to start you off: the airport, the DMV, the meeting of your homeowners' association. It's not like they're going to understand the shirt anyhow, and it'll make you feel better.
One poor, sad dot indicates to the reader of the shirt "You Are Here," at the very low end of the bell chart which is printed in white ink on this black, 100% cotton shirt.
EcoBoost Power Coming to the 2013 Ford Transit
The Avengers Assembled Marvel Universe Phase 1 (Blu-Ray/10 Disc/6 Movie Limited Edition Collector's Set)
On April 2, 2013, fans will be able to immerse themselves in every aspect of Marvel’s elite Super Heroes with this limited-edition, 10-Disc “Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Collection.” Complete with glowing Tesseract, this exciting collection includes stunning Blu-ray 3D™ and Blu-ray™ presentations of Marvel’s “The Avengers,” “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “Thor,” as well as Blu-ray™ versions of “Iron Man,” “Iron Man 2” and “The Incredible Hulk” in exclusive collectible packaging.
In addition, to possessing level 7 security clearance, fans will also be granted special access to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most confidential archives, including a top-secret Bonus Disc filled with never-before-seen deleted scenes, extended scenes, featurettes and more. Also featuring exclusive memorabilia (prop reproductions and artifacts) from the motion pictures, the must-own “Marvel’s Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled Collection” will verify owners status as the world’s greatest authority on the Marvel Super Hero mythos!
“Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled Limited Edition Collection” includes the following:
•“Marvel’s The Avengers” film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
•“Captain America: The First Avenger” film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
•“Thor” film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
•“Iron Man 2” film (Blu-ray)
•“The Incredible Hulk” film (Blu-ray)
•“Iron Man” film (Blu-ray)
Top-secret Bonus Disc: “The Phase One Archives” (Blu-ray) includes:
•“And Then Shawarma After” featurette
•New deleted scenes, animatics and more from each film
•Collectible packaging with memorabilia from the Marvel’s Cinematic Universe
NEW BONUS MATERIAL – JUST ADDED - Exclusive inside look at Marvel’s Iron Man 3 and other films from Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Tax Lien Removal Las Vegas Credit Repair - Vivix Credit Solutions Credit Repair Services - Bad Credit We Fix it Fast! Credit Repair Company Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America ( April 12, 2013 -- Vivix Credit Solutions specializes in Tax Lien Removal and Las Vegas Credit Repair services.
Vivix Credit Solutions is a licensed and bonded credit service organization that has successfully assisted clients with credit repair and correcting or removing tax liens that contain inaccurate, questionable, and unverifiable information reported to the credit bureaus. Bad Credit We Fix it Fast!
Although the credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate, mistakes or errors can and will occur and may affect your credit score.
A Tax Lien refers to the Government’s right to encumber property or wages when taxes are owed and are not paid. Tax Liens can be ordered by the City, County, State or Federal Governments. Tax liens are harmful and can remain on your credit report indefinitely if they are not paid. Once the record is paid it can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years from the satisfied date.
In the United States, a federal tax lien may arise in connection with any kind of federal tax, including but not limited to income tax, gift tax, or estate tax. The statute of limitations under which a federal tax lien may become "unenforceable by reason of lapse of time" is found at 26 U.S.C. § 6502. For taxes assessed on or after November 6, 1990, the lien generally becomes unenforceable ten years after the date of assessment. For taxes assessed on or before November 5, 1990, a prior version of section 6502 provides for a limitations period of six years after the date of assessment. Various exceptions may extend the time periods.
In order to have the record of a lien released a taxpayer must obtain a Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien. Generally, the IRS will not issue a certificate of release of lien until the tax has either been paid in full or the IRS no longer has a legal interest in collecting the tax. Many people who owe a significant amount of debt may choose to offer a settlement of the debt. This is referred to as an offer in compromise. However, a properly submitted offer in compromise does not affect a tax lien, which remains effective until the offer is accepted and the offered amount is fully paid. Once the compromised amount is paid, the taxpayer could request removal of the lien.
A Tax Lien can damage your credit scores by up to 100 points and will limit your ability to obtain new credit. Most lenders will require for you to either have the lien paid or to have a payment plan in place with the lien holder before issuing any new credit.
Vivix Credit Solutions in Las Vegas will perform a free consultation to review your credit report with you, determine the best credit repair program to meet your needs, provide you with pricing, and answer any questions that you may have about your credit, tax lien removal, and credit repair services. Bad Credit We Fix it Fast!
Vivix Credit Solutions will also show you proof of the hundreds of Las Vegas clients who have received our credit repair services and will also show you proof of tax lien removals.
If you have a paid tax lien that is more than 7 years old and it has not been removed from your credit report, please contact our office for a free consultation with one of our Credit Experts to discuss how to remove the tax lien from your credit report.
Vivix Credit Solutions can also assist you with:
• Late Payment Removal
• Collection Removal
• Charge-off Removal
• Foreclosure Removal
• Judgment Removal
• Repossession Removal
• Bankruptcy Removal
• Inquiry Removal
• ID Theft Correction
• Credit Score
Note: According to industry research 70% of all credit reports have more than three errors in the consumer’s credit file. Consumer Credit File Rights under Federal and State Law allows you to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any “credit repair” company or “credit repair” organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years.
T-Shirts & Apparel : Cyberdyne Systems Logo Shirt
Cyberdyne Systems, a major defense contractor, has a job opportunity on our materials team. As this is a neural-network model, expertise in connectionism and/or computational neuroscience is essential. Your responsibilities would include planning and coordinating testing scenarios to help us integrate our new, revolutionary microprocessor technology into today's military computer systems. You would be part of a team defining the future with technical solutions that change our world in real and measurable ways. The team you would be joining consists of internationally recognized experts in advanced magnet technology, superconductivity, robotics, and automation. Reports to Miles Bennett Dyson, director of special projects.
Cyberdyne Systems logo on a black, 100% cotton t-shirt. Officially-licensed T2 merchandise.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Gas Prices Have Little Effect On Compact-Car Sales
Pulsar Mens Analog Stainless Watch - Two-tone Bracelet - Black Dial - PS9109X
UPDATE 3-Ex-Credit Suisse trader pleads guilty in US mortgage case
* Case involves pricing of subprime mortgage bonds
* Serageldin in plea deal with Manhattan federal prosecutors
* Prosecutor says defendant faces up to 5 years in prison
By Bernard Vaughan
NEW YORK, April 12 (Reuters) - A former Credit Suisse Group AG trader pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge on Friday in a U.S. criminal case relating to the alleged inflation of subprime mortgage bond prices.
Kareem Serageldin, the Swiss bank's former global head of structured credit, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to falsify books and records at a hearing in Manhattan federal court. He faces up to five years in prison, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
"I made a terrible mistake and I deeply regret my conduct," Serageldin, 39, told U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein.
Prosecutors had accused the British citizen of artificially boosting the prices of subprime mortgage-backed bonds between August 2007 and February 2008, when housing and credit conditions were rapidly deteriorating.
Overall, the price manipulation by Serageldin and others contributed to Credit Suisse's taking a $2.65 billion writedown in its 2007 year-end results, according to prosecutors. Credit Suisse has not been accused of wrongdoing.
In a statement, Serageldin portrayed a period of intense pressure as the housing crisis spooked financial markets in 2007 and 2008. In late 2007, Serageldin said he discovered that a portfolio of securities he oversaw was marked much higher than it could have been sold at the time.
He said he joined the scheme to protect his reputation within the bank as other groups were losing money.
"There was a lot of market turmoil with the bank," he said.
Two of his former Credit Suisse colleagues, David Higgs and Salmaan Siddiqui, have already pleaded guilty. Higgs was a managing director and Siddiqui a vice president in the Swiss bank's investment banking division, according to prosecutors.
Eugene Ingoglia, a prosecutor at the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office, said at the hearing that evidence in the case includes recorded telephone calls between New York and London, emails and interviews with cooperating witnesses.
Hellerstein peppered Serageldin with questions about whether his superiors may have known of the manipulation, at one point asking if management might have "closed their eyes to it."
Serageldin said it was "certainly possible" for management to have noticed, but he did not elaborate.
Bank spokesman Drew Benson declined to comment on the case. But he referred to a 2012 statement from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in which it said it did not charge Credit Suisse for several reasons, including the "isolated nature of the wrongdoing and Credit Suisse's immediate self-reporting to the SEC and other law enforcement agencies."
Credit Suisse awarded Serageldin a bonus of $7 million in cash and stock in 2007, before it discovered the scheme, according to the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office. The bank later rescinded the bonus.
Serageldin said that, under the plea agreement, he has agreed to forfeit about $1 million, which represents the after-tax cash portion of his 2007 bonus.
Under the agreement, the government dropped a charge of wire fraud and a charge of false books and records.
Serageldin was arrested in London last September and extradited to the United States earlier this year to face charges.
The case is U.S.A. v. Serageldin, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-00090
Confirmed! 2014 Chevrolet SS Rear-Drive Performance Sedan
The High Cost of Building Autos
Stardust Launches 24 Hour Television Infomercial Shopping Channel in Los Angeles Market
( April 12, 2013 -- Golden Colorado April 11, 2013: Stardust Global TV today announced the launching of a new 24/7 Infomercial channel in Los Angeles on KFLA Channel 8 that is dedicated exclusively to innovative, breakthrough new products. The new infomercial channel is branded TVC Offers and is a result of a joint venture between Stardust and the national television network TVC+Latino.
On TVC Offers, viewers can watch innovative infomercials like Grey Hair Away, Power Press, Chop Your Auto Payment, Power Walk, Rock n Roll Era, GoHardXtreme, Level9App, Blue Vine Shopping and a host of other infomercials. These infomercials are either new to television, or have been shown only in late night and fringe time on cable networks and TV stations where they lack exposure. Now they can be viewed during daytime and evening hours.
But wait! That's Not All! In addition to watching infomercials, TVC-Offers viewers also can view any of the short form infomercials that are interspersed with the infomercials.
And yes, there's more! TVC-Offers not only airs these infomercials but also can supply call center and fulfillment services for those advertisers who wish to create a 'one stop shop' experience.
According to the Partner responsible for Marketing at Stardust Global TV, David Walsh "In this age of TIVO like devices, we're learning that there's a large group of people that welcome these commercials and infomercials."
Mr. Walsh continued “We are always interested in innovative products airing on our Los Angeles channel, but also on similar channels we operate in Georgia and Texas. Anyone interest in learning more about airing on our channels can contact me at 720-891-1804, or email
About Stardust Global TV
With over 50 years of media experience, Stardust is a television media company that in addition to operating 24 hour infomercial channels, specializes in per inquiry advertising- working on a revenue sharing arrangement with networks around the United States in lieu of paying for air time once a product is TV proven. Stardust also offers a unique starter program for new commercials starting at under $5,000 for commercial production and airings on popular networks including ESPN, CNN, Fox and many others. Stardust also represents networks broadcasting to over 20 million households. For information visit
Office Lobby Reception Salon Waiting Chair w/Ottoman O1

End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco Navigator 3G EPON SMB Access Gateway for China [Cisco SB 100 Series Small-Business Routers]
T-Shirts & Apparel : Doctor Who Exterminate
Please pick an item so we can magically put it in your cart.
Please select... Brown, S $19.99 Brown, M $19.99 Brown, L $19.99 Brown, XL $19.99 Brown, XXL $20.99Survey: Demand in the industry is strong, but the pace of expansion has begun to slow down
However, according to PwC, it's too early to conclude that the industry is reaching its pinnacle:
Yep, at least carriers won't be so pressed for bandwidth, though we aren't sure if they would like that.
Other than that, the survey finds that smartphones continue to penetrate the market, and have accounted for 60% of sales to postpaid customers in 2011, as opposed to 41% in 2010. In order to make up for the slower growth, however, carriers tend to turn to new growth areas such as multi-device data
connection plans and machine-to-machine (M2M) subscriptions. To find the full survey, simply jump through the source link below!
source: PwC (.pdf) via FierceWireless
Best Android phones to get this spring (poll results)
Are you sold on the performance and features of the Samsung Galaxy S4, or would you go with the HTC One with its gorgeous unibody aluminum design and revolutionary BoomSound speakers? We gave you the other options as well - the water and dust resistant Sony Xperia Z, the extremely affordable and productive Nexus 4, and the new phablet in town the LG Optimus G Pro.
So here are the devices that picked up your attention the most. Unsurprisingly, the Galaxy S4 was the handset most of you wished for, but the HTC One was a close runner up. The Sony Xperia Z ranked third, and the Nexus 4 got the fourth place.
Interestingly, the LG Optimus G Pro was either too big, or not popular enough yet to get many votes. Take a look at the results right below.

Google introduces the One Today charity app
Currently available in an invite-only form, One Today will make project discovery easy, as it will present users with a new initiative each day. Users can then use the app to donate $1 to that initiative. Some of the initial projects include teaching empathy, scholarships for students in Laos, Rhino protection, as well as tree-planting in Kenya.
When the app launches officially, it should be available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry, but for now it'll be accessible to Android users only.
You can request an invitation here!
source: Google via SlashGear
Survey shows that 19% are interested in buying an Apple iWatch
These numbers bode well for the speculated device. Back in January 2010, prior to the unveiling of the Apple iPad, a survey from ChangeWave Research showed 4% of those asked were "very likely" to purchase a hypothetical Apple tablet while 14% were "somewhat likely" to make such a purchase. Considering the amazing success of the Apple iPad afterward, the fact that the survey showed similar numbers for an Apple iWatch has to make Apple feel pretty confident that the device will receive a warm reception if it is launched.
The main reason to buy an Apple iWatch, according to 18% of those "likely buyers," is loyalty to Apple. These are the people who buy devices made by the Cupertino based company because they trust the Apple name. 16% of "likely buyers" said that the convenience of owning a smartwatch is the reason for purchasing the iWatch. 14% want an Apple iWatch because it is "cool" while 11% said that they were interested in how the device would interact with other Apple products.Since the speculation started about an Apple smartwatch, other tech giants like Samsung, LG, Google and Microsoft have acknowledged that they are working on such a device.
source: AppleInsider
Optimus G2 in Q3 will be 'something unique' says LG, rumor hints at keys on the back and super thin frame
Chinese site distributes pirated iOS apps without requiring a jailbreak
The way those smart fellows have achieved this is by exploiting Apple's own bulk enterprise licensing tools. The tools are usually used by companies to distribute apps to their employees more easily, but it looks like messy things can happen if they fall in the wrong hands. Utilizing the tools, the pirates are now offering paid apps for free through their site. The "service" is only available in China, but according to some reports, it's possible to take advantage of it if you use a proxy server, though we don't encourage anyone to try it.
The fun part is the admins' explanation of their actions. Apparently, they "believe" that using the iTunes platform can prove to be a bit difficult for Chinese users, which is why they are offering a new way of getting applications. According to them, the percentage of jailbroken phones in China since the service's launch has dropped from 60% to around 30%, which, however, doesn't really matter that much, considering that those non-jailbroken users are still getting pirated content. It would certainly be interesting to see how Apple reacts to that...
Here's the full message by site:
source: TheVerge
House once again passes controversial CISPA cybersecurity bill
Backed by some of the largest tech companies like Microsoft and Facebook last year, this time around - after the massive public outcry - those big names have backed their support. Companies like Mozilla and Reddit, along with advocacy organizations ACLU and EFF warn about CISPA being used as a pre-text for corporations to share private information about their users with the government. This would put the privacy of users at risk.
The bill passed with a bilateral push from both republicans and democrats with a final vote of 288 yeas and 127 nays. Within the democratic party there were more opposing the bill than supporting it as 92 approved it and 98 opposed it.Democratic representative Jared Polis of Colorado, one of the most outspoken CISPA critics, argued that the bill is too vague and opens the door to searching through user data: "There are absolutely no protections with regards to what is done with this information," he said.
The bill proponents on the other hand did not shy away from even using the recent Boston Marathon bombing tragedy to make their case: "In the case of Boston they were real bombs, in this case they're digital bombs. And these digital bombs are on their way," Texas Republican Mike McCaul said.
Still, the CISPA bill needs to pass approval at Senate before becoming a law. We’ve also heard about the possibility of Obama issuing a veto. The saga about Internet freedoms and better cyberprotection continues.
source: GovTrack,
Wikileaks posts the full transcript of Google's Eric Schmidt secret meeting with Julian Assange
Rumor: Pantech Perception launch on Verizon set for April 25
Cool images, taken with your cell phone #65
We're back with the 65th post in our special photographic-centric series where we present you with a number of awesome images taken by... well, you (and your cell phones).
So, which picture did you like most last time? The answer is Johnna Devasier's photo, taken with the HTC ThunderBolt. And a pretty well-deserved first place it is, we should say!
Of course, there are many other incredible images left to be seen. Let's continue with another set of 10 pics, each of which can easily convince even the most professionally-inclined photographer that cell phones are more than a toy in the camera department.
Please note that if your own awesome image is not included here, this doesn't mean that it won't end up on the site. We simply might not have gotten to it yet! So, we urge you to continue following us, as we'll be publishing more of these truly great photos in the following days and weeks.
In order to not miss on all the glory, you also have to mention your name/nickname, as well as the phone you used to take the shots. A nice additional piece of info would be a name or a short description for the image.
With that, we now leave you with our 65th set of favorite photos...

ChromaCast Acoustic Guitar Padded Gig Bag w/Guitar Strap & Pick Sampler
Will the 8" space be the next big battlefield for tablet manufacturers?
The company believes that the iPad mini, along with the other similarly-sized tablets will have a share of 11.9% of the whole tablet market in 2013, which is quite the number. We remember being impressed with the portability of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 back in 2011 - it really felt more comfortable to use than an iPad, but still had a decent display that didn't make things too small. Two years later, it looks like these "mid-sized" tablets are starting to get much more attention from consumers than they did two years ago.
According to Eric Chiou from TrendForce, there is progressively less value in 7" tablets for manufacturers, as the market is already flooded and prices have gotten extremely low:
So, which is your preferred screen size for a tablet?
via: BGR
Your Siri voice files are kept by Apple for up to two years, though anonymized
Facebook for Windows Phone 8 gets a much needed update
As you probably know, Facebook for Windows Phone is actually not made by Facebook itself, but by Microsoft. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but can lead to problems such as this one, because the issue has obviously been caused by a recent change in Facebook's API. Anyways, everything should be fixed now with this new update, which should be waiting you in the Store.
Since it was Facebook that had to change something in its API, Microsoft's Corporate VP, Joe Belfiore, took to... Twitter, to express his gratitude.
Thanks to our friends at Facebook: a new FB app update is now in Store. It addresses a crash some people were hitting in the last update.
— joebelfiore (@joebelfiore) April 18, 2013
You can get the latest version of Facebook for Windows Phone here!
source: Joe Belfiore via FierceMobile
NBA Game Time iPhone and iPad app updated for playoffs
The NBA play-offs start on Sunday pitching 8 teams from the Western and 8 teams from the Eastern conference against each other. Games are played until four wins out of a maximum of seven.
As to the NBA Game Time app itself, it is a great hub for all things NBA with game highlights, stats, live radio broadcasts, and best of all it is free of advertizing.
If you own the NBA League Pass Mobile you can also watch games live from your device.
The app is free to download, so take a look at it below and don’t forget to share your favorite for the 2013 NBA title!
Nomad outs the 3" Apple Lightning cable you can carry on your key ring
HTC M4 arriving in June with 'metal-alloy chassis'
The HTC M4 is expected to start shipping in June with wider availability in the third quarter of the year. But HTC is aiming to ship 700 000 devices in the second quarter as well.
Getting a large order like the one for the HTC M4 is a win for Catcher and the supplier forecasts a 10.5% to 15% sequentially growth in revenue in Q2 2013. It is also expected to ship 2.3-2.4 million units of the HTC One in the second quarter.
source: DigiTimes
Poll results: Replaceable battery or unibody design - which one do you prefer?
10 million units of the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be shipped to 50 countries by the end of this month
Demand for the device is pegged at the same 10 million unit figure for the first month, rising to 30 million in the second quarter. Thanks to better features on the newer model, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is expected to do better than its predecessor which sold 6.5 million units in the second quarter last year. But considering that the Samsung Galaxy S III launched at the end of May last year, it had one less selling month than the Samsung Galaxy S4 will in the second quarter this year, making the Q2 comparisons nearly impossible.
Unlike the HTC One, which has suffered through delays because of component shortages, the Samsung Galaxy S4 uses in-house manufactured processors, panels, image sensors and memory. This should allow Samsung to keep production going even if demand for the phone is as heavy as expected. And if factories in South Korea have to shut down due to heightened tensions with North Korea, Samsung has facilities in China and Vietnam that can be utilized as long as parts made in South Korea can still be exported.
source: DigiTimes