"We have created the world's first Braille smartphone," Sumit Dagar, creator of the phone said. "This product is based on an innovative 'touch screen' which is capable of elevating and depressing the contents it receives to transform them into 'touchable' patterns."
The project started after Dagar saw that technology was only made for the mainstream and ignored certain large groups of handicapped people."The response during the test has been immense. It comes out as a companion more than a phone to the user. We plan to do more advanced versions of the phone in the future," Dagar adds.
Dagar began work on the project three years ago while studying at India’s National Institute of Design. The technology behind it is just like in any other smartphone save for the display. There, the device uses Shape Memory Alloy technology using metals capability to remember their original shapes and expand and contract to after use.
source: Times of India
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