Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Newman considers using 'bat squads'

AAP   |  12:30pm March 27, 2013

IF COUNCILS don't cull bat colonies, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman says he'll do it and send them the bill.

Mr Newman says he's fed up with a lack of interest from councils in applying for mitigation permits, which allow local governments to remove the animals from their roosting places.

He says bats are a health hazard and if councils don't remove them, he'll send in state government bat squads.

"We want to councils to actually get some intestinal fortitude and fulfil their responsibilities," Mr Newman told 4CA Radio today.

"Enough is enough.

"If it continues to be an issue, I will talk to the local members and we will look at how we can come in there and do the work for council, but I stress we will bill the council."

Local Government Association of Queensland President Margaret de Wit refuted claims councils aren't doing enough.

She said they have have employed consultant Ecosure to help develop a state-wide approach to the problem, and they'd report by June.

"It is crucial that we explore appropriate risk assessments, jurisdictional issues, management options, likely costs and likely outcomes of any strategies," Ms de Wit said.

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