Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2013 Infiniti JX35 Long-Term Update 3

Your browser, , is out of date and not supported by It may not display all features of our site properly and could have potential security flaws. Please update your browser to the most upated version. Update Now By Julia LaPalme | Photos By Motor Trend Staff | From the November 2013 issue of Motor Trend  |   I recently took the JX35 in for its third maintenance interval, which was simply an oil change, oil filter change, and tire rotation. There was a concern that the front driver's side wheel was making noises at freeway speeds, but the folks at the Infiniti dealership found nothing wrong with the wheel or suspension parts. After making sure our vehicle was not part of recall #13V139000 for a failed brake torque member, they assured me the noise I heard was the hydrolic-electric steering. Aside from mysterious noises, the JX35 could use a little finesse in the cruise control department. While driving in Normal and Eco modes around town can be a bit sluggish, driving in Sport mode while using cruise control is almost jarring. For the most part, the JX cruises well on the freeway, using adaptive cruise control to mind its distance from vehicles ahead of us. However, when the adaptive cruise control has slowed down below my set speed, and I change lanes to pass slower traffic, the JX suddenly accelerates aggressively to get back up to speed. 2013 Infiniti JX35 HookView the original article here

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