We told you about Max Mobile Security when it was first released for BlackBerry 10 and the application has now been updated to its fourth version bringing new features and improvements as well as BlackBerry Q10 support.
As I mentioned in our initial post of Max Mobile Security - with BlackBerry 10 having the ability to run Android applications I presume that there is now some risk of malware etc that could effect your BlackBerry smartphone. I'd rather be safe than sorry and although the application does hold quite a hefty price tag you need to weigh up the risks for yourselves.
*Update* It seems there is a slight bug which BlackBerry are working on - so if you get a message saying you have insufficient network coverage don't panic - all will be resolved soon. Feel free to contact the dev directly if you have any issues - shashwat@maxpcsecure.com
Press Release
Pune, India (April 30th, 2013) – Max Secure Software announces the release of version its fourth version of Max Mobile Security for BlackBerry® 10 (NASDAQ: BBRY). This release is integrated with native BlackBerry features integrated like hub integration, notifications, background scan with active frame, context menu with social and BBM sharing. Max Mobile Security is the world's first AntiVirus for BlackBerry 10, which protects it from malicious third party applications and malicious files.
Max Mobile Security protects BlackBerry 10 users from:
1. Malicious Android run-time apps (side loaded) for BlackBerry10
2. Malware that can harm other devices like devices connected to the same cloud, email attachments or when the device is connected to the PC.
"As a security and privacy company we wanted to cover our customers on all platforms, even a security oriented platform like BlackBerry 10," said Sanjay Pradhan, CEO of Max Secure Software.
Max Mobile Security is engineered from ground up to further enhance security of the QNX kernel based BlackBerry 10 platform. It is built using Cascades and its native libraries. Max Mobile Security also allows its users to live update its database through the app itself.
The app is currently available on BlackBerry World.
Availability?Max Mobile Security for BlackBerry 10 is available on BlackBerry World for US $ 9.99 worldwide.
Download Max Mobile Security for BlackBerry 10
Topics: BlackBerry 10 Apps BlackBerry Apps UK Traffic Information gets updated with a host of new features including BlackBerry Q10 support Previous BlackBerry theme roundup - April 30, 2013Next

Way to contribute to the article!! My gosh!! No one cares if you are first or 1 millionth! Doesn't make you cool at all.
I'm very curious to see more about this.
Is there even a risk with Android apps running on z10?
Posted via CB10
Yes, they can access files, contacts and other sensitive information on the device. As long as you only download apps from the store, this risk however is very small as those apps are checked by the store team and an automatic virus scanner powered by Trend Micro.
Has anyone ever had a security issue or malware experience on a Blackberry yet?
Side note - why is it such a big deal for someone to comment "first" on an article. Takes no time to look past it. Let them have their cookie. Doesn't impact my life.
It's more annoying to see multiple follow up posts calling out the "first" poster. Yes, my post is just as pointless.
Posted via CB10
Tried updating won't let me tells me network error has occurred, check coverage, tried using both my 4g & my home wifi, even deleted the app to try a reinstall, get the same message, so can't even reinstall it now, yet can download & update other apps no problem from blackberry world.
Posted via CB10
I am having same problem. Uninstalled then tries to reinstall now can't. Contacted them and they say it is BlackBerry world fault it won't update or download.
Me too! Can't start downloading since the last time this app was upgraded to a paid app because of a network error and it says to have sufficient network coverage and I'm on 3G and Wifi?
Contacted the app developer then and he gave me advice to try deleting the app from device and cloud and reinstall but without avail as the same problem exists now existed then and didn't hear more of a solution so I'm just waiting for another anti virus app hopefully soon someone else can come up with.
Posted via CB10
Just got thus reply from the developer "This is an open issue. Do not uninstall the app we have contacted BlackBerry World. Thanks"
Posted via CB10
Do we really need this?
Sideloaded Android apps can be dangerous. Contacted the app developer on the update, "If there is an issue in updating please do try to re-install the app, we have contacted BlackBerry World for a resolution."
What if we don't side load or port anything just stick with native apps., do we still need it?
It also scan malicious files "Malware that can harm other devices like devices connected to the same cloud, email attachments or when the device is connected to the PC."
i was fortunate enough to download this when it first came out....for free!
Well, too late for me :(
I was told by the developer to uninstall and download again.
On 3/12/13, I wrote:
> Nothing is working. Tried the following:
> 1. Deleting the app.
> 2. Removing it from cloud.
> 3. Restart. Switch off and turn on.
> 4. Battery out and in.
> 5. Downloaded Max secure news to see if I can at least download anything
> from max and worked.
> Just don't know why I cannot download the anti virus max app and I really
> want to buy it to be safe from Android apps!
> The screen shot attached always comes up when I try to download the app and
> believe me I have no problem downloading other apps. It's just this one.
> Pleeeeeeease help!
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
> From: Max Mobile Security Developer
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 10:34 PM
> To: Me
> Subject: Re: BlackBerry World Developer Feedback for Max Mobile Security
> Hi,
> Can you uninstall the app and then try, since the latest version of our app
> is a paid app.
> Thanks
> On 11-Mar-2013, at 11:58 PM, I wrote:
>> Cannot upgrade please help. Attached is the screen shot with the error
>> message and I don't have a problem with network coverage as I have both
>> wifi and 3G connections and have updated or upgraded 7 other apps today.
>> Thanks so much!
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
Posted via CB10
Try contacting them at shashwat@maxpcsecure.com
I got a response in minutes.

I did email the same address but I wrote "Max Mobile Secure Developer" instead and as you see from his last reply to me and from my last subsequent email to him, it has been almost 2 months now with no replies as I guess they haven't been able to work out a solution and I just gave up on getting the app and contacting them again.
Posted via CB10
They've contacted the BlackBerry Appworld team, hopefully your issue gets solved soon, really like this app hope I can get the update soon :)
Why is Crackberry pushing apps in editorials that clearly have major issues? Kevin? Anyone?
Posted via CB10
The app is working perfectly, an issue with the BB world download system it seems.
Won't let me update coming up with network error
Posted via CB10
Another reason we want native apps built for BlackBerry.
Post via CB Z10
This is a native app built using cascades, appears like a problem with BBWorld.
I thought I read somewhere that it is an Android app. My misunderstanding then.
This is an BB World problem, and has nothing to do with native apps vs. ports.. I've experienced a number of apps, many native, that cannot download claiming a "network error".. One of my favorite games "Pew Pew 2", which is a native app originally ported to PlayBook gives this error (I can still download the free version, but it doesn't have all the extra levels, etc..
I don't see a need for this.
1. Malicious Android run-time apps (side loaded) for BlackBerry10
Only sideload stuff from Blackberry World.
2. Malware that can harm other devices like devices connected to the same cloud, email attachments or when the device is connected to the PC.
The PC or other device needs to have AV protection, not the bb10.
Has anyone used this to get rid of malware from a BB world sideloaded app?
Thanks for sharing the links. It is true that there are no kernel malware as even the developer told me. But the android level gives contact permission and internet permission which can steal your data and of course the cloud scan is Mobile-Computing.
I shall email the developer for more details though :)

I'd love to see this app in action in a video review to get a clearer idea of how it works. That way, it will help with deciding whether or not it's worth the $10 CDN it costs for the app.
I'd really like to know whether this app does what it says it does. I know a lot of people are downloading it for peace of mind but I'm not 100% how/if it works.
Posted via CB10
can this get into the android runtime and actually weed through potential hazards. With no headless applications running can it only check running applications as it also cannot run in the background.
maybe I'm way off base here! Please correct me if I'm wrong!
CB10 App, Z10
I got the app when it was free..dont unistall the app just wait till they fix the issue .
Posted via CB10 from my Z10 GO LEAFS GO!!
This is the answer I got from the dev. Via email
This is an open issue. Do not uninstall the app we have contacted BlackBerry World. Thanks
Posted via CB10 from my Z10 GO LEAFS GO!!
You said for free but when I went to download I was asked to pay! $9.99 to be exact!! Get your facts straight Crackerheads!
Posted via CB10
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