Monica Michaels at My Fitness Club considers an Easter treat. Pic: Richard Gosling
IRRESISTIBLE Easter eggs and hot cross buns line the shelves in their hundreds, but dietitians warn it could take four hours of speed walking to work off just one simple chocolate bunny.
Health experts say indulge in a little chocolate this Easter but do it smart because overindulging could mean hours on the treadmill burning it off.
Accredited practicing dietitian Phoebe Mawer put together a table of how much running, cycling, walking and swimming would be needed to burn off favourite Easter treats like mini chocolate eggs, a chocolate bunny and hot cross buns.
Four mini-Easter eggs with 223 kilojoules will require 27 minutes walking to burn off, a 100g Lindt gold bunny will mean one hour on the bike, a 4600-kilojoule 200g Cadbury Easter bunny requires a whooping four hours walking or two hours pounding the pavement jogging and those indulging in a hot cross bun will have to swim for 24 minutes.
"It's very easy to go over the top and when you combine it with alcohol and less physical activity over the long weekend, it can really make a difference," said Ms Mawer, who also works as a personal trainer.
"I don't think I've ever had a client who hasn't put on weight over Easter.
"I've seen one man put on 4kg over that short period."
Ms Mawer urged people not to deprive themselves of the festive fun but to add extra physical activity into their day to help burn off the chocolate and factor the treats into their daily eating plan by cutting out other snacks.
Griffith University school of public health associate professor Dr Ben Desbrow said people shouldn't sweat it if they enjoyed some chocolate over Easter.
"It's one of those times a year when you don't want to be too restrictive," he said.
Hot cross bun: 904kj = (To burn off) 44 mins walking, 21 mins jogging, 24 mins swimming, 28 mins cycling
Cadbury mini eggs (4): 553kj = 27 mins walking, 13 mins jogging, 15 mins swimming, 17 mins cycling
Lindt gold bunny 100g: 2271kj = 2 hours walking, 52 mins jogging, 1 hour swimming laps in pool, 1 hour of cycling
Cadbury easter bunny 200g: 4600kj = 4 hours walking, 2 hours jogging, 2 hours swimming, two hours cycling
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